What is DBMS? Types of DBMS. Components of DBMS.and characteristics

What is DBMS?

 The full name of DBMS is Database Management System.  It is a complete collection of programs by which users can create, delete and maintain the database.

 So we can say that this is a general purpose software system which provides us the following features:

 1: defining - This specifies the data types, structures, and constraints for the store data in the database.

 2: constructing - The process of storing data in any storage medium is handled by the DBMS.

 3: manipulating - in this the data present in the database is retrieved and updated and reports are generated.

 Through this, the end users can create, read, update, and delete the data in the database.

 In other words, "DBMS is what it serves as an interface between end users and the database."  So that the data is organized in an organized way and it can be easily accessed. ”

 The database management systems used today are:- dbase, foxpro, IMS, oracle, MySQL, SQL, and DB2 etc.

 Components of DBMS

 Now we will read here what are the components of database management system?

 1: - Hardware
 2: - Software
 3: - Database
 4: - procedures

 1: - Hardware: - Our computer system comes in the hardware which is used to store and access our database.  Harddisks are mostly used to store data in computer systems.

 2: - Software: - In this comes our actual DBMS software.  Users will be able to access the data in the computer system only when we have the dbms software.
 The dbms software is located between the database and the users.

 3: - Database: - A database is a collection of information that is organized in such a way that information can be easily accessed, managed, and updated.
 In the database, we can quickly and easily select the desired data.

 4: - Users: - In this there are many users who access the data according to their needs.  The capacity and needs of each users varies.

 It consists of the following users: -

 1: - Database administrator
 2: - Database designers
 3: - End users
 4: - Application programmers
 5: - Procedures: - It means what are the procedures, rules and instructions for running dbms?  And how to use the database in the system.  Such as: - database logging, logout, database backup, and database handling etc.

 Characteristics of DBMS

 Its features are as follows: -

 It can store any type of data.  It can store all types of data in real word. It supports ACID properties.  ACID stands for - Accuracy, Completeness, Isolation, and Durability.database system has a lot of user access to the database at the same time. It can share data. It does not contain data redundancy.  .  That is, there is no duplicate data. There is security that means no unauthorized user can access it. If the database is deleted or corrupted due to some reason then we can backup it.

 Types of DBMS

 It is mainly of 4 types.  Which is as follows: -


 In this database, the data is organized in a tree-like structure.  That is, the data is stored in top down or bottom up format.  The data contains a parent-child relationship.

 In the hierarchical database, each record stores information about all the parent-child.  Each child record has only one parent in it.  And many elements of the parent can be child.

 To retrieve a data, we have to traverse each tree until the record is found.

 This database is most commonly used in the banking and telecommunication sectors.

 Its main advantage is that in this we can access and update data very fast.

 Its disadvantage is that its structure cannot be applied at all.  That is, it is not flexible.


 This database uses network structure to create a relationship between entities.

 It is used in very large digital computers.  This database is also like hierarchical but it can have many abstract parents of a child.  In this, the child is called members and parents are called occupier.

 The network database was created by Charles bachman.  In this, the entities are arranged in a graph so that they can be easily accessed by many abstract paths.

 Its main advantage is that in this we can access the data easily and its design is also easy.

 Its disadvantage is that updating and inserting records in it is very complex.


 Relational database is used the most because it is the simplest and can be used easily.  The data in it is in the rows and columns of a table.  In this, SQL is used to insert, delete, update data.  In this the table is called relation.

 Some popular relational DBMS are: - DB2, oracle, SQL server, RDB etc.

 Its main advantage is that the data is in the form of the table, due to which the users can easily understand and access it.

 Its disadvantage is that it becomes complex when there is more data.  And the relationship between data also gets complicated.


 The data in it is stored as objects.  And its structure is called class.  It provides the capability of programming.  It requires fewer codes to create a database application.  And maintaining codes is also very easy.

 "The object oriented DBMS was created in the 1880s.  These databases support most all programming language: - eg: c ++, JAVA, RUBY, PYTHON, etc."

 Its main advantage is that it is very easy to maintain.

 Its disadvantage is that it has no query language like relational key sql.

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