What is LAN Network? Components of LAN network

In this article we are going to know about LAN(local area networks).
 Before knowing the lane network, we need to know what the network is.  So first we will know what are the networks?

 What is a network? 

" When more than one computer is connected through some medium and information is shared, this technique is called a network". This connection can be wired and also wireless, when talking about Wire Medium, it twisted.  Pair cable, coaxial cable and fiber optics cable can be anything.  If you talk about Wireless Medium, it can be anything from Radio Wave, Bluetooth, Infrared, Satellite.

 In computing, a network is a group of two or more devices through which we can communicate.  In practice, networks consist of many different computer systems connected by physical and wireless connections.  A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices or other interconnected devices that allow sharing of data among themselves.  An excellent example of a network is the Internet, which connects millions of people all over the world.

 What is LAN?

 Its full name is Local Area Network, a network that is used to connect two or more computers.  A local area network is a locally functioning network, it is called a short lane.  It is a computer network that covers local areas such as home, office, or building groups.

 Features of LAN Network

 It is limited to a room or a building. It has high data transfer speed. It does not have to rent external network. It keeps data secure. It is easy to organize data.

Components of LAN Network

 Local area network connects computers for exchange of data. In addition to other devices like computer and printer fax, 6 components are used for work in LAN-

  •  Network Adapter
  • Network Medium
  • Cable Connector
  • Power Supply
  • Hub / Switch / Router
  • Network Software

 Network adapter

 A computer needs a network adapter to connect to the network, this computer converts the data into an electronic signal.

 Network medium

 Wired networks require cables such as twisted cables, coaxial cables, fiber optical cables, etc.  Wireless networks do not require cables in which radio waves are used for data transfer.

 Cable connectors

 RJ45 is the most common connector in a Bayard network. Every computer with networking capability has an RJ45 port, sometimes called a network port or Ethernet port.

 Power supply

 Both wired and wireless networks require power supply.  In wireless networks, current is used to generate radio waves. Cable networks send data as an electronic pulse.

 Hub / switch / router

 The hub lane acts as a centralized point for transmitting reprimand to computers.  When a data is sent from one computer to the hub, it is transmitted to all the computers connected to the data network, irrespective of the specific computer.

 Switch is an alternative to the hub. It is a new networking technology that assigns a specific MAC address to each computer in the network, which is why you can use information LAN switches to separate computers.

 Unlike switches and hubs, routers allow you to connect multiple networks.  The router can also connect computers located in remote areas.  Routers are more complex and have the ability to send messages around the world. Large networks sometimes use routers for LAN traffic. Wireless networking devices are called wireless routers.

 Network software

 The software on the transmitted computer packages the data into segments and puts that data in a packet name structure.  The address of the source and destination of the packet is written on the header of the packet. The receiving computer interprets these packets back into meaningful data and sends them to the appropriate application.

 Wireless LAN

 WLAN is used to connect local resources to the Internet.  The WLAN connects the link between two short-range devices by wireless classification method and also provides connection to access the Internet, using the Speed   Specturm or OFDM technology, even if the user is connected while moving in a spatial fixed area.  Is kept.

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