What is mobile computing ? It's benefits . Advantage and disadvantage of mobile computing

 Today we'll read during this article - what's mobile computing in and what are the benefits , characteristics, applications and history of mobile computing?

 What's mobile computing ?

 Mobile computing may be a technique by which users can transmit data, voice, and video through a mobile or the other wireless device.

 In other words, "Mobile computing may be a technology that's wont to transmit data to a wireless network through a mobile device."

 generally , mobile computing is seen as a technology utilized in smartphones but it's a way bigger topic because it's not limited to smartphones, it's utilized in every device that supports mobility. Such as: - laptop, smart watch, tablet etc.

 There are three main concepts of mobile computing on which it's based: -

          1. Mobile communication
          2. Mobile hardware
          3. Mobile software

 1: - mobile communication -

 Here mobile communication refers to such an infrastructure that gives reliable and barrier-free communication for a wireless device.

 Under this comes protocols, services, bandwidth and portals that support devices.

 the info format is additionally defined within this, ensuring that there's no collision with other systems.

 radio emission infrastructure is employed in mobile communication during which signals are sent over air (i.e. sending and receiving signals are through air.)

 2: - mobile hardware -

 Mobile hardware means those devices or mobile devices which will receive or access the service of mobility. It includes laptops, smartphones, tablet PCs, smart watch and other personal digital assistants (PDA).

 there's a receptor inside these devices which is meant to sense and receive signals. And this device works on full duplex ie it also can send and receive signals at an equivalent time.Mobile hardware works on wireless networks.

 3: - mobile software -

 Mobile software may be a program that runs on mobile hardware. It also can be called the OS of mobile.

 it's liable for all functions inside the device. it's also called the engine of the device.

 it's in the least the features and wishes of mobile applications. It offers camera, music player, cellular connectivity, WI-FI, Bluetooth, voice recorder, speech recognition, and video player etc.

 Principles (characteristics) of mobile computing 

 1: - Portability - during this , devices are often moved from one place to a different . and may operate anywhere within the wireless network.

 2: - connectivity - this is often a capability by which the devices are always connected with the network, during this the down time / lag time is extremely less, albeit we are moving the devices to a different place, albeit it's connected with the network She lives

 3: - social interactivity - this suggests that one device remains connected to speak with another device.

 4: - Individuality - When a mobile device connects to the network, it's called individual and this device can access the network for its needs.

 Advantage and benefits of mobile computing

 1: - location flexibility - Through this, users can work from anywhere and from any distance. Location flexibility means users can work from any location. we will complete many abstract tasks at a time during a mobile device.

 2: - Saves time - It saves time whenever we travel somewhere like from home to office or anywhere else, we will complete our tasks through mobile device while traveling. which may also use the time taken in travel.

 3: - Increased productivity - It increases productivity, users can use it from their desired location and clients and company employees use mobile in companies in order that they finish the work quickly, which increases their productivity.

 4: - Entertainment - mobile devices are often used for entertainment. we will play any movie, game and entertain ourselves by running social sites etc.

 Nowadays, anyway, the web features a high speed, any top quality videos and academic material are often seen in it.

 5: - Simple Research - Through this we will do any research easily. Earlier, when there was no mobile computing, people had to travel thereto field to try to to research, but now we will collect data by searching in google or other sites through internet.

 6: - Cloud computing -this is often a service through which we will save our data in online servers (called cloud) and whenever we've an online connection we will access that data.

 7: - Social engagement - we will connect with people through Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc.

Disadvantage of mobile computing

 We have read the advantages of mobile computing, but now it is also necessary to read its disadvantages which is the following; -

 1: - security - Its main disadvantage is its security because mobile devices can be hacked and important and sensitive information stored in them can be stolen.

 If we use someone else's Wi-fi then he can easily hack our phone.

 2: - Distractions - On one hand, productivity increases through these devices but on the other hand it also causes distraction.  Users also use it during their work to see useless things.

 There have been many accidents due to talking in the phone while driving.

 3: - Power consumption - The battery capacity in mobile devices is very less and these batteries last for a short time.  If you get stuck in a place where there is no electricity and your battery is exhausted.  (Because their battery lasts only for 1 or 2 days and they have to charge again.)

 4: - Quality of connectivity - You must have noticed that sometimes 4G networks are coming full in your phone, but the speed of internet is very low.  So this is a drawback of this.  2G speed is also not available in 4G network.

 5: - Cost - The cost of new technology and devices is expensive, which can be difficult to buy.

 6: - The display screen of mobile devices is very small.

 7: - If we take the phones with us, then there is a risk of theft due to which someone can misuse your phone.

 Applications of mobile computing

 Nowadays mobile computing is used in all places, yet we are telling about some important areas below where it is used.

 It is used in emergency services such as calling ambulance etc. It is used by stock broker to provide information about stock. Credit for estate agents in vehicles in courts  companies.  OLA and UBER to send e-mail to verify the card, online hotel, flight and other services to book online.

 Evolution of mobile computing

 The idea of   mobile computing started in the 1990s and has changed a lot since then.

 Do you know which was the first portable laptop, if not then - the first portable laptop was named Osborne.  It was 10.6 kg.  And its screen was 5 inches.  It used to have two floppy disk drives and a keyboard.

 And today's laptop has 8GB of RAM, 14 inch display screen, and intel core i7 processor and weighs up to 1.5 kg.

 Nowadays we can work everything sitting at home.  Shopping, gaming, entertainment is all in our hands.  Earlier, we had to go to cyber cafe to run the play-station, internet to play the game.

 Network 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G and now 5G has come in some countries, then we can say that mobile computing has developed at a very fast pace and new technology will be seen in future also.

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